

Prayers –

Church Duties

Duties performed by Wardens, Treasurer, Verger, PCC Secretary, Rector etc.

Qualifying Connection Document.

Oil, Water and Electricity meter readings for Eccleston Church

The main church heating system boiler was installed in 2000. Oil is ordered when the oil level gets to level 2 bars of below. 1000 litres of oil for Eccleston Church was last ordered on the 24th Jan 2024. The vestry night storage heaters were installed in 1970.

The ‘Hamworthy Broadstone 2R9’ Boiler (and ‘AHE’ Air Conditioning Unit) were serviced by James Mercer Group in 2021, but have not been serviced since.

DateElectric Rate 1 (Day) Electric Rate 4 (Night)WaterOil Level

The Church clock was last adjusted 17th April 2024 (clock 5 minutes slow)

Monthly Plate Collection Record Summary Sheets.

Eccleston Parish old Communion Service Sheet (no longer used)

Marriage Attendance Record

Marriage Document

Vestry Plate Collection Summary Sheets

Memorial Plaque Request.

This document can be found below (pdf version)

This document can be found below (word version)

Wedding Attendance Records

This document can be found below:

Responsible Email

Please use the following guide, that might help you spot spam emails, scam emails and phishing emails.

Pulford Church Tour Guide App

For iPhone users, there is a Pulford Church Tour Guide App with details of all the stained-glass windows and other items of interest around the church. You can download the app for free from the Apple App Store at the following link:

Altar Frontals

There are 4 colours, White, Red, Purple and Green.

Summary of Eccleston Frontals:

Main AltarLady Chapel Altar
Rednone (no red frontal or super frontal) use White instead.none (no red frontal or super frontal) use White instead.
GreenGreen Frontal & Green Super-frontalnone (no green frontal or super frontal use white instead)
WhiteWhite Frontal, no white super-frontal (use Green one)White Frontal and White Super-frontal
BlueBlue Super-frontal and Blue Frontal (both ripped)Blue Super-frontal and Blue Frontal (both ripped)


“White is the colour for the festal periods from Christmas Day to the Presentation and from Easter Day to the Eve of Pentecost, for Trinity Sunday, for Festivals of Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary, for All Saints’ Day, and for the Festivals of those saints not venerated as martyrs, for the Feast of Dedication of a church, at Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday and in thanksgiving for Holy Communion and Holy Baptism. It is used for Marriages, and is suitable for Baptism, Confirmation and Ordination, though red may be preferred. It may be used in preference to purple or black for Funerals, and should be used at the Funeral of a child. Where a church has two sets of white, one may be kept for great Festivals indicated as ‘gold or white’.” (Taken from the Church of England’s Rules Website Rules | The Church of England )

As we have no white super-frontal for the main altar we use our green one.


Green is used from the day after the Presentation until Shrove Tuesday, and from the day after Pentecost until the eve of All Saints’ Day, except when other provision is made. It may also be used, rather than red, between All Saints’ Day and the First Sunday of Advent. (As we don’t have a Green frontal or super-frontal for the Lady Chapel we re-use the white frontal and white super-frontal)

Purple (blue)

Purple (which may vary from ‘Roman purple’ to violet, with blue as an alternative) is the colour for Advent and from Ash Wednesday until the day before Palm Sunday. It is recommended for Funerals and for the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, although either black or white may be preferred. A Lent array of unbleached linen is sometimes used as an alternative to purple, but only from Ash Wednesday until the day before Palm Sunday. Rose-colour is sometimes used as an alternative on the Third Sunday of Advent and the Fourth Sunday of Lent.

Red (as we have no red frontals or red super-frontals for both altars, we reuse the white ones.)

Red is used during Holy Week (except at Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday), on the Feast of Pentecost, may be used between All Saints’ Day and the First Sunday of Advent (except where other provision is made) and is used for the Feasts of those saints venerated as martyrs. It is appropriate for any services which focus on the gift of the Holy Spirit, and is therefore suitable for Baptism, Confirmation and Ordination. Coloured hangings are traditionally removed for Good Friday and Easter Eve, but red is the colour for the liturgy on Good Friday.